Because it is so much more addictive, and more powerful than other drugs, if you are trying to detox from cocaine, users are going to find that the cocaine withdrawal symptoms are going to be extremely severe. Especially for those who have been longer term users, or used the drug on a daily basis, by removing it from the system all of a sudden, and by doing so abruptly, they are going to find that the cocaine withdrawal symptoms are really going to take a toll on the body. Since the symptoms are so strong, those who are going through detox have to have support with them, and they should do the detox program in an inpatient facility, as the doctors and nurses are highly trained to know how to help the patients get through the toughest cocaine withdrawal symptoms they face, especially very early on during the detox program. During the first few days, the symptoms can be very intense, and can really take a toll on the body; so, when going through the cocaine withdrawal, having the staff on hand, and having the support system in place, will make things a little bit easier for users to get through.
Regardless of how long you used, or abused the drug, withdrawal is difficult with any addiction. But, with cocaine, that is so highly addictive, and so powerful, the symptoms are going to feel far more powerful, and can really take a toll on those users who were long term users. The more they abused the drug, and the longer the drug was used by the addict, the tougher the symptoms are going to be to fight, and the tougher it is going to seem to them when they are trying to get through the detox program they are attempting to complete. But, having the trained staff on hand, and knowing that there are doctors around in the event you do need medical attention, will ease the individual's mind a bit, if they are fearful of doing a detox program. Plus, in an inpatient facility, when going through the detox, and the tough cocaine withdrawal symptoms, by having the support system built in, it is going to make things much easier when you are going through the withdrawal with others who are experiencing the same thing, and are there to help you in succeeding on your journey.
It is possible to get past the addiction, but users of cocaine have to be aware of how tough the early cocaine withdrawal is going to be on their body. So, by going in to an inpatient center, rather than trying to do it on their own, they are going to get much further, and they will find it is going to be much easier on them when trying to quit. Finding the best local inpatient facility, and turning to those facilities that will help push you through the detox and cocaine withdrawal, is the most important thing for users to do if they truly want to quit.