If you have experienced a cocaine overdose, or know users who are heavily using the drug, and you fear they might overdose, you have to get help right away, as cocaine is very addictive. The more you use the drug, the more easily the addiction builds up, and the tougher it is going to be to stop using it; regardless of how much cocaine you use, a cocaine overdose can quickly occur, especially if you have never used the drug before, and are not fully aware of how strong it is, and how easily you do become addicted to the drug.
Cocaine is one of the strongs drugs; especially as it enters your system so quickly (usually because it is snorted), it affects the body far more quickly. A very small amount of cocaine can lead to a cocaine overdose, if the user does not know what they are doing, is not paying attention, or is using other drugs in addition to the cocaine. As an addict, or as a family member or friend of an addict, you have to step in as quickly as possible, and you have to get help, in order to quit the use, and prevent the possibility of overdosing. By going to an inpatient facility, you can get clean; since you have no choice but to remain in the facility, and get the assistance you need, you are going to learn to live your life without drugs, and get past this addiction.
Because cocaine is so powerful, and because it does give you the high and a great buzz, it is one of the easiest drugs for users to overdose on; so, being aware of this fact, and knowing how easy it is for you to get caught up in the drug, and overdose because of the way it makes you feel, are some of the things you have to consider as well, if you are considering using, or if you already use the drug.
The sooner you are able to step away from it, go in to an inpatient facility, and get the intervention that is needed, the easier it is going to be to quit, and to prevent the cocaine overdose, if it has not already occurred. If the problem gets too intense, too quickly, or if the user does not know how to use, and does lead to a cocaine overdose, this is one of the deadliest drugs that is out there. So, seeking out the much needed help, and knowing who to contact, will help you get past the addiction, and will help prevent the potentially fatal attraction that you are dealing with as a cocaine user.
As with any other addiction, the only way to quit, is to step away 100 %, and to get away from the problem completely. So, if you fear a cocaine overdose, or have overdosed in the past, you have to try and get the much needed help, and you have to get it as quickly as possible.